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Counselor Troi's Office

(Imzadi Timeline - R/T 'moments' in TNG eps)

Star Trek The Next Generation eps that have Riker/Troi 'moments' in them: 

*Season One*
Encounter at Farpoint, Part II - several moments in premiere - meet for the first time in 2 years on Enterprise. Several scenes..


- The Naked Now - Deanna catches virus and tries to talk Will into having sex w/ her

Justice - woman is flirting with Riker and Deanna steps in front to block her

Haven - Wyatt Miller comes on board - prearranged marriage - talk on holodeck


- Angel One - Deanna and Tasha have some fun with Will as he prepares to meet the alien. Funny & cute stuff here!

Skin of Evil - Deanna's shuttle crashes, tried to protect Will from creature - Tasha dies, arm and arm at funeral

*Season Two*
The Child - Deanna gives birth to Ian

Icarus Factor - Will thinking about leaving ship - talks to Deanna when father visits

Manhunt - Mrs. Troi in heat

Shades of Gray - Will gets pricked w/ a thorn; Deanna links w/ him to bring him out of his coma...invokes primitive emotions in him - kills microb

*Season Three*
Who Watches the Watchers - Will & Deanna pose as husband and wife

The Price - Deanna in heat - Devionanni Ral

The Vengeance Factor - Will messing around with another girl - Will and Deanna having dinner in Ten-Forward, girlfriend joins them - Deanna leaves


- A Matter of Perspective - Deanna is there to support Will when he is accused of murder

Hollow Pursuits - Deanna finds holoprogram - she is Goddess of Empathy - Will witnesses it, laughs. Deanna deletes character. Barclay creates program.

Menage A Troi - goes to Betazed - has picnic - start to recapture romance

Best of Both Worlds I - Will offered Melbourne - talks to Deanna - wonders why he is still there...I've sacrificed a lot - gestures to her

*Season Four*
Family - Deanna tells Beverly that her & Will are thinking of going back to Angel Falls (Indication that something is going on - but what we will never know ;)

Future Imperfect - While on an away mission - Will loses 16 years of memory.  Deanna assists him on his adjustment to the new present time.  Is all as it seems?


- The Loss - Deanna loses her emphatic powers.

Data's Day - The very end of the episode - R/T attend wedding together arm in arm.


- The Nth Degree - While discussing Reg Barclay's issues, Deanna lets them know that Reg had made a pass at her - there is a cute scene in Picard's office between R/T afterwards.  


*Season Five*
The Game - Will messing around w/ woman on Risa; Deanna eating chocolate sundae in 10-Forward; sensual teasing of Will during chocolate 'lesson'

Unification, Part I - Deanna uses her 'womanly' means to get information as a favor to Will - both have a hard time keeping a straight face - interplay very cute!

Violations - Mental rape (Jev) - flashback scene from poker game of R/T

Masterpiece Society - Deanna gets involved with  'Aaron Connor'

Conundrum - Crew gets amnesia; Deanna has partial emotions of Will but no memory; Will finds Ode to Psyche that she gave to him

The Outcast - Will falls in love w/ woman (alien); goes to Deanna to let her know about his relationship; have a heart to heart. Deanna gets box of stuff from Earth - her father's side; she doesn't feel a connection - finds a teddy bear.

*Season Six*
Man of the People - Deanna behaves oddly. When Deanna awakens, after being 'dead' for thirty minutes, she reaches for Riker's hand. And the last scene is the two of them sitting on her sofa and talking.

Schisms - While listening to Data's poetry, Troi has to wake Riker up from his nap ;)  Deanna counseling Will and 3 other people at same time. 

Starship Mine - Riker and Troi at the Arkaria Base reception - "They're still at it? How long can 2 people talk about nothing?" What is that all about - explosion. Will standing by Deanna - she lays her cheek on his shoulder - after shootout. Deanna cleans up Will's cuts. Chat throughout party. Beverly's tricorder goes off - both fall to floor. Enter sickbay right after each other, looking for Picard's saddle 

Frame of Mind - Will is losing his mind, he dreams he sees Deanna trying to talk him into reality

Second Chances - Find 'Tom' Riker - opens Pandora's box for all concerned

*Season Seven*
Gambit, Part I - Interrogating alien - Will and Deanna talk - urges him to do eulogy for Picard...argument about him being in command and needing to set an example. They are all hurting - not just Will. Deanna turns and leaves.

Dark Page - Deanna finds out about sister

Lower Decks - flirting in Ten-Forward - crew evaluations

Thine Own Self - Deanna takes bridge commanders test - Will pushes her - confrontation in holodeck. Ultimately she passes.

All Good Things - end of series...Will gets jealous of W/T. Asks Deanna out to dinner - turns him down as she already has plans with Worf.

Generations - Nothing

First Contact - Deanna gets drunk, Will catches her

Insurrection - scene on the bridge, library, Deanna's office, bathtub, BaKu Homeworld

Star Trek Voyager - Inside Man - 7th season - Will and Deanna to be vacationing together.

Nemesis - marriage - take up residence on Titan 


Star Trek The Next Generation ran from 2364 - 2371 which converts to stardates 41153.7 - 47988.1 and in our time 9/28/87 - 5/23/94

Star Trek Generations was later in 2371 on stardate 48632.4 and our time 11/18/94 They were on Enterprise NCC 1701-D (Voyager went missing right before this although not addressed in the movie)

Star Trek First Contact was in 2373 on stardate 50893.5 and our time 11/22/96 They moved to Enterprise NCC 1701-E

Star Trek Insurrection ironically has no year and stardate is unknown - *however* in our time it was 12/11/98 which would convert to stardate 52 something keeping in line with all the previous stardates - makes it approximately sometime in 2375

Star Trek Voyager ran from 2371 - 2378 which converts to stardates 48315.6 - 54973.4 and our time of 1/16/95 - 5/23/01 

Star Trek Voyager Inside Man episode was on stardate 54208.3 and aired on 11/8/00

Star Trek Nemesis was in 2379 on stardate 56844.9 and our time 12/13/02.  Riker and Troi get married.  Will becomes Captain of the Titan and they move off the Enterprise to start their new life together. 


Will and Deanna have known each other for 18 years - meeting in 2361 and have worked together for 16 of those approximately so far.

Compiled February 2001 - updated January 2003


If you have any other episodes or information to add to this 'timelime' - please don't hesitate to email it to me and I will include it in the next update.  Thanks!  


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