by Kate

DISCLAIMER: The characters belong to Paramount. The world of my imagination is my own. No infringement intended.
SETTING: Deanna's voice, sometime in the distant future…

AUTHOR'S COMMENT: This piece concerns itself with death and its aftermath. While it is sad, there is a note of promise that runs through it as well. For though the decedent's body may be gone, there is something ineffable that survives and can touch those who remain.


There is no more pain. The discomfitures of my body no longer burden me. Instead, I float freely, enjoying a freedom I have never known before. Now I exist in a dimension of unspeakable beauty and wonder.

I look at all of you gathered to bid farewell to me. You, my dear mother, bent by profound grief. Beverly, dear Beverly, your lovely blue eyes red from crying. Jean-Luc, with your tear-stained face. Worf, your expression stoic, yet your lower lip quivering. And you, dearest Will, Imzadi, your features contorted with loss and your beard sodden with your tears…

You all feel such loss. But it is my body you have said goodbye to, not me. I have not gone. Not really. I am just with you now in different ways. I hope with time you will all come to understand that. And with that understanding will come healing…

Mother, I know you don't hear me in your mind any more. And for that reason, you think I no longer live. But, on some lovely day, filled with the warming rays of the Betazed sun and a light fragrance of flowers hovering in the air, listen carefully to the breeze that causes branches to dance gaily. For on that breeze will waft the whisper of my voice. And you will realize that my voice can still be heard…

Beverly, beloved friend, wipe those tears from your eyes. Let them glitter once again with the pleasure of shared laughter and the mysteries of secrets between friends. Turn inward to remember all that we shared. And when you do, there you'll find me yet again, waiting to hear your next confidence…

Worf, do not hold back that which causes your lip to tremble sadly. Embrace that large heart of yours and listen to what it tells you. It is as Klingon as the rest of you. And as you follow the dictates of that loving heart, know that I will be there guiding it - and you…

Jean-Luc, honored captain and dear friend, focus your eyes on the new day that dawns. Scan for the new horizon. Seek out the unknown. And as you do, I will be right next to you, boldly going forth…

And Will…beloved Will, my Imzadi. I know you feel empty. You cannot feel my essence or hear my voice. But I have not gone. While my spirit no longer blazes brightly within you, it has not truly left you. It is there, a tiny ember buried in a small corner somewhere in your soul. And when you let your mind wander through the memories of our time together, that small bit of me will come to warm your heart and put a gentle smile on your handsome face.

Imzadi, do not let your sadness cut you off from the world. Your heart can embrace many loves, one as different from another as the day is from the night. Your arms are meant to be wrapped around one dear to you. And you long ago learned from me that your heart is as important as your work. And when you do once again follow your heart, know that I will be with you celebrating and rejoicing at your side.

And beloved Will, my Imzadi, when the time comes that you leave the earthly existence you lead now, I will be waiting here for you. My arms will be outstretched and my lips waiting once again to know you. And we will be young again, and we will find ultimate union in the Jalara once again. For we are Imzadi. And Imzadi is eternal.