Star Trek: Generations

by J. M. Dillard

It's the year, 2355, and the original Enterprise and its crew say goodbye to each other. The ship is decommisioned and the crew, set free to retire.
Scotty, and McCoy do just that; retire. Dr. Spock goes off to become a diplomatic ambassador for Vulcan, and Captain Kirk, not quite ready to settle down yet, tries out all those things that he never got a chance to do. Like mountaineering, and absailing.
A year later, the old crew are invited to visit and inspect the new Enterprise B, something they all find hard to do. But whilst they are on board, they receive a distress signal from two Federation ships, and even though the Enterprise is still awaiting final fittings on many of its sections, Kirk insists that they try to help. Without the aid of the tractor beam, they have to watch whilst one ship, caught in an energy ribbon, is torn apart, losing all lives on board. The second ship, being pulled by the same gravity wave also falls foul of the ribbon, but the Enterprise at least manages to save some of its lives. But Kirk loses his.
Seventy eight years later, the Enterprise C and its crew are having a light-hearted moment. When Worf receives promotion, the crew concoct a splendid ceremony on board a galleon, courtesy of the holodeck. But again, they receive a distress signal from the Amorgosa observatory station. The Enterprise race to the rescue, but are too late. The observatory is destroyed, and only five survivors are found. One of which is Dr. Soran. They also find two dead Romulans.
In amongst this chaos, Captain Picard receives word that two members of his family, his brother, Robert, and his nephew, Rene have been killed in a fire.
Dr. Soran insists on returning to the observatory to finish an important experiment before the Amorgosa Star explodes. But when Geordi and Data beam down to search the destroyed research centre, they find a hidden laboratory. But before they could report their findings, Soran arrives, disabling Data and kidnapping Geordi, just before triggering the detonator to explode the star. Riker, concerned for the lives of the two missing crew members, beams down to rescue them just before the star explodes. But Geordi and Soran are nowhere to be found. Soran had beamed them, and his secret weapon to a waiting, cloaked Klingon ship.
Piece by piece, the Enterprise crew put together the puzzle until they discover exactly what Soran is up to. He is trying to alter course of the energy ribbon so that it hits a planet called Veridian three, giving him a portal into the Nexus so that he can be reunited with his lost family. But on Veridian, there are close to two hundred and thirty million people about to die.
With both ships heading for Veridian three, Picard strikes up a deal with the Duras sisters, the captains of the Klingon ship. He trades himself for Geordi, but once he is aboard, he manages to get them to beam him directly to the planet's surface where Soran and his weapon are.
With the aid of a device that Soran supplies them, the Klingon's are able to see around the Enterprise, via Geordi's visor. Seeing its most vulnerable places, the Klingon ship opens fire on the Enterprise, disabling it.
Meanwhile on the planet, Picard fails to stop Soran firing the weapon and the explosion happens. But then, Picard finds himself in the Nexus, living the life of his ultimate dream; A home, a wife and a family. Even though he knows that none of it is real. Guinan helps him to understand and tells him that he can change things if he wants, but only with Captain Kirks help.
So Picard moves on to Kirk's home and persuades him to help him stop Soran. Using the Nexus, they both go back to just before Soran fires the weapon, and between them, they manage to stop him. But once more, Kirk loses his life.
But the Enterprise, after colliding with the Klingon ship, is unable to fly, and crash lands on the planet.

Notable Imzadi moments:

Page 83

In the meantime, Riker had headed down to the main deck and hadn't noticed the captain's reaction or Deanna's departure from her post. He was having a particularly good time, especially since he had worked the past year to overcome any lingering jealousy he had felt on Worf and Deanna's account. Apparently, they were still slowly building a relationship, though Will hadn't heard any details - and he didn't want to hear any details.

Page 88

Where had he learned tenderness? Will wondered. From Deanna? The thought caused a flicker of jealousy; he repressed it firmly. If Worf had gotten something good out of the relationship, then so much the better.

Page 188

She turned her head then, and shared a look with Will.
At the sight of her face, he allowed his command demeanor to soften for a fleeting instant. She did not quite smile; she could read his expression so well that it was hardly necessary to read his emotions. There was regret in his eyes, and a light that said he would have liked to have the time to prove Picard's vision of the future wrong.

Page 230

"Deanna?" Will took a step toward her, his smoke-smudged brow furrowed. "Are you all right?"
Worf and Data stopped, turned to look back at her.
She gazed at them, seeing the concern in their eyes, in Will's, and was overwhelmed with gratitude to be alive and surrounded by the friends she loved; overwhelmed by the preciousness of the moment.
"Yes," she answered softly, when at last she found her voice, and smiled. "Yes, Will...everything's just fine."

Page 236

Deanna Troi stood amid the ruins of a cargo bay, scanning with a tricorder for signs of life.
More than anyone else, she was keenly aware of how very near they had all come to dying; images of what might have been - the same images that had haunted her on the bridge soon after the collision - still visited her dreams, with terrifying reality.
At the same time, she felt liberated, rejuvenated by the close brush with death. It had helped her to remember what was most important, to give up her anxiety over Worf and Will and that the future might hold.
She had spoken with them both, and discovered they bother felt as she did - simply grateful to have survived, and willing to let any relationships unfold naturally.


Thank you Carol for putting this together =)